8th & 9th September 2025 taught by an experienced tutor from the Dr Vodder School, Austria. (Places 30)
The cost of the 2 day course is £350 with a £10 discount if you bring your own couch. A non-refundable deposit of £50 is payable on booking to secure your place. The balance of £300 (or £290 if you are bringing your own couch) is payable after July 1st 2025. After the 1st July 2025, please book by sending the full amount of £350 (or £340 if you are bringing your own couch). Spaces are limited to 30 on the course.
In order to enrol on this review, it is essential that you have completed Therapy 2 & 3. Please submit a copy of your certificate with your deposit, if you have previously done so, there is no need to send me another copy.
Course Venue
Cathedral House is a multi-purpose building located near the town centre of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. It provides a wide range of facilities including an onsite café and giftshop, free on-site parking, electric car charging points and disabled access. Cathedral House is within easy walking distance of Huddersfield town centre. Address: St Thomas Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 3LG.
Hotels within walking distance include:
The Stay Hotel. Princess Street, Huddersfield. HD1 2TT. Premier Inn Huddersfield. Andrew’s Rd, Aspley, Huddersfield HD1 There is also a Travel Lodge in Huddersfield, but it is a bit further away from Cathedral House
Local airports are Leeds Bradford and Manchester
The National express operates a bus service to Huddersfield
Find a train at
Course Times
The review class will start at 9am and finish at approximately at 5pm, with a break for lunch and tea/coffee. Registration is at 9am on the first day of the course. The lunch break is 1 hour. If you need to leave early on the last day to catch a train, please inform the Tutor.
What to bring with you
Please bring with you all the usual bandages, foam, your own towels (preferably 2 large and 1 or 2 small towels), a drape for your personal use on the couch, along with a notebook and pens. If you don’t have sufficient bandages or foam, don’t worry, you will be working in pairs and you can share bandages. There will be some foam for delegates to use.
Booking and Payment
Please book on the form on this website or you can email your name, address, contact details (both home and mobile) and the date you wish to attend to me. Please make your cheques payable to Lynda Carter and post to 155 Hanby Close, Fenay Bridge, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. HD8 0FZ. Please write your name on the back of your cheque.
Alternatively, you can make a bank transfer to my Natwest account 63090740, sort code 60-02-18. Please ensure you use your full name as reference for the payment so that I can identify who has made the payment into my account.
Confirmation of your place and a receipt for your payment will be e-mailed to you.
If you are able to provide your own portable massage couch for the Review a discount of £10 off the course fee will apply. Please let me know in advance if you are intending to supply your own couch as I will be relying on these extra couches to run the Review.
The deposit for the Review is £50 and is not refundable unless the Review is cancelled by the Organizer. If that happens £25 is retained for administration fees and the balance of £25 is refunded to the delegate. The balance of the Review fees will be refunded if the Review is cancelled by the Organizer.
If a delegate cancels, the balance is refunded provided the delegate gives 1 month notice of cancellation. After that only half of the balance will be refunded. The £50 deposit is not refundable.
A delegate may defer the whole amount to the next Review instead of a refund.
If you have a positive Covid test and as a consequence you are unable to attend the Review, the balance will be refunded. The £50 deposit is not refundable. Or the whole amount can be deferred to the next Review date.
You are advised to ask your accommodation provider about their cancellation policy. I accept no responsibility for costs incurred by you in relation to loss of earnings, income, travel or accommodation or other expenses incurred in the event of course cancellation.
To safeguard your investment in case, for any reason, you are unable to attend or complete a Review you may like to take out insurance with a company of your own choice to cover course fees and travel costs.
Please click the link below to book your place.